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The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of the Vedas and Upanishads. It is a universal scripture applicable to people of all temperaments, for all times. It is a book with sublime thoughts and practical instructions on Yoga, Devotion, Vedanta and Action.

TheBhagavad Gita is one of the world-scriptures today. It guides the lives of people all overthe world. Mahatma Gandhi regarded it as the “Mother”, to whom the children (humanity) turnedwhen in distress.

TheBhagavad Gita is a message addressed to each and every human individual to help him

or her to solve the vexing problem of overcoming the present and progressing towards a bright

future. This holy scripture is not just an “old scripture”, nor is it just a book of “religious teachings”,

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nor even a Hindu holy book. It transcends the bounds of any particular religion or race, and is

actually divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and

solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love and hate.

It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect balance, inner

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stability and mental peace, complete freedom from grief, fear and anxiety. Within its eighteen

chapters is revealed a human drama. This is the experience of everyone in this world, the drama of

the ascent of man from a state of utter dejection, sorrow and total breakdown and hopelessness to a

state of perfect understanding, clarity, renewed strength and triumph.

Each discourse holds for you an invaluable new lesson and imparts a new understanding of

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yourself in a marvellous way. The mystery of man, this world and God, is explained as perhaps

nowhere else. The workings of your mind—the real problem to your welfare and happiness—how

to overcome it, what the path to blessedness is, as also the path to perdition, the secret of

self-mastery and the way to peace amidst your daily activities and duties—all these and more you

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will find in this great treasure. It is yours by which to enrich your life

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