Beat Da Nuke Phrase Game|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Beat Da Nuke Phrase Game-APP點子

The game is similar to the popular game

Catch Phrase© with a twist. If the

【免費解謎App】Beat Da Nuke Phrase Game-APP點子

counter on the nuclear war head counts down

before your team mate guesses the phrase,

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boom the war head goes off!

This game supports up to 4 teams with a minimum of 2.

A team consists of at least 2 people.

The point of the game is to get your team mate to say

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the word/phrase displayed before the timer runs down

and Bang your dead!

Unlike Catch Phase, the opposing

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team does not get any points when the other team

does not answer in time. A team only collects points

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when they figure out a word in time.

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