Basic Maths Practice|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Basic Maths Practice-APP點子

The Maths Test contains over 400 questions on basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and devision.You can easily increase your calculation speed by playing this game and impress your surroundings by quick calculation.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEST RESULTS :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A summary of the test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PROGRESS METER:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The app records your progress as you start practicing different areas of intelligence. It shows you a beautifully animated bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and retry the questions you answered incorrectly.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VERY EASY TO USE:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You don't need to press too many buttons or encounter any alert messages. The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input.Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question. ~~~~~~~~~~~FEATURE LIST:~~~~~~~~~~~• Over 400 multiple-choice questions.• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.• E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.• A new module, "Progress Meter" keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic, and retry the questions you answered incorrectly.• Choose your own timer settings.• Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.• Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

【免費教育App】Basic Maths Practice-APP點子

【免費教育App】Basic Maths Practice-APP點子

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