Bangla (Bengali) for Kids|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Bangla (Bengali) for Kids-APP點子

Bangla4Kids (Bengali for kids) - is an easy, interactive and fun way to learn basics of Bengali language

Features of Bengali for kids mobile app:

Read/Listen/Speak from 12 different categories:

Bengali vowels (Swarborna) and word with each letter

Bengali Consonants (Benjonborna) and word with each letter Numbers

【免費教育App】Bangla (Bengali) for Kids-APP點子

Different Body parts in Bengali

Common Fruits

Common Vegetables

Domestic animals

【免費教育App】Bangla (Bengali) for Kids-APP點子

Wild animals

Different types of transportation

Colors in Bengali

Quiz to test knowledge for fun for each category

【免費教育App】Bangla (Bengali) for Kids-APP點子

Trace Bengali letter to develop writing skills

Our mission for Bengali for kids app:

Allow Bengali kids to learn basics of Bengali language, read and speak Bengali letters and commonly used words, start tracing Bengali letter and make learning experience easy and fun

【免費教育App】Bangla (Bengali) for Kids-APP點子

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Bangla (Bengali) for Kids APP LOGO

Bangla (Bengali) for Kids LOGO-APP點子

Bangla (Bengali) for Kids APP QRCode

Bangla (Bengali) for Kids QRCode-APP點子
Google Play