BabyTime Contraction Timer|健康線上App不用買


【免費健康App】BabyTime Contraction Timer-APP點子


Going into labor? Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s easy-to-use app helps you time your contractions. Just tap the start button to begin timing; tap it again to stop. The app records duration and time between each contraction.

Other features:

-Call your provider with one tap

【免費健康App】BabyTime Contraction Timer-APP點子

-A GPS map with directions from where you are to the birthing center or hospital entered on your profile page

-A profile page for your due date and birthing plan

-A contact list to notify family and friends

-FAQs for what to do if your water breaks, if you're having false labor, what to bring with you to the hospital, and more

-A chart displaying contractions so you can see your progress

【免費健康App】BabyTime Contraction Timer-APP點子

-Messages for posting directly to Facebook to keep family and friends updated

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BabyTime Contraction Timer APP LOGO

BabyTime Contraction Timer LOGO-APP點子

BabyTime Contraction Timer APP QRCode

BabyTime Contraction Timer QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store