In scolile sau gradinitele din Romania, copiii si elevii nu invata cum sa acorde primul ajutor intr-o situatie de urgenta, iar cursuri pe aceasta tema...
Welcome to LeedsHealth, an app designed to provide people in Leeds with key health information so that they can quickly access the most appropriate he...
Access and organize health information for yourself and your family — in the palm of your hand!Use the Legacy Health app to quickly find a Legacy loca...
Sie schätzen die Kompetenz unserer Apotheke vor Ort und wollen zusätzlich auch auf digitalem Wege davon profitieren? Dann bieten wir Ihnen ab sofort d...
Leiter's is a free application that helps connect you to your hometown Leiter's Compound Pharmacy. Additionally, we also have an online interface that...
O aplicativo móvel do Laboratório Leme foi concebido para que pacientes e médicos acessem o resultado dos procedimentos realizados no laboratório. Al...