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Belt Level: Low-white to mid-blue.Emphasis: Escaping from vulnerable positions.This 90 min. instructional features a step-by-step introduction to the most critical skill in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu positional escapes. If you're new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, this instructional offers you an excellent way to fast track your ground game. More advanced players will appreciate the detailed analysis of the principles, guidelines and formulas which are the basis for all positional escapes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.The training is presented by internationally renowned instructor and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu expert Roy Harris. Roy's patented instructional format, plain English and easy to follow style will have you achieving new levels of performance faster than you ever thought possible.The focus of this instructional is on learning the principles, formulas and key techniques that form the core of all positional escapes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!You'll learn:- Escapes from the mount- Passing the guard- Escaping the side mount- Escaping the headlock- Escaping the scarf hold- Escaping the wrestler's cradle- Escape combinations - the ultimate key to success- Partner drills - train correctly- Exclusive fight footage - see it in action!

【免費運動App】BJJ 101 Volume 1-APP點子

【免費運動App】BJJ 101 Volume 1-APP點子

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