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This brand magazine was created for Benetti Yachts, an Italian shipyard known worldwide for luxury megayacht construction. The magazine is intended to be a mode of communication between the company and its current and prospective clients, as well as business affiliates and partners. It is delivered directly to owners, potential clients, brokers, dealers, Benetti offices in Italy, Hong Kong, Dubai and the United States. It is also distributed at exclusive company events, all the main international boat shows around the world and in luxury hotels, selected private clubs, prominent art galleries, onboard private airlines and in luxury car showrooms.

Created especially in celebration of the shipyard’s 140th anniversary, the new magazine presents the past and present of the company. The tag line of BE is “Inspired by Italian Genius”; it is both a statement about Benetti excellence, as well as a call to action. The company hopes to inspire readers to view the world from the uniquely Italian perspective where passion, style and art come together.

All topics, images and articles are realised with the client’s objectives in mind. In general, the magazine is meant to highlight the very best of Italian craftsmanship, culture and heritage to situate Benetti yachts within this particular context. Beyond its prestigious look and feel, the contents of BE are focused on Italian excellence and the various facets within the world of luxury. More specifically, in order to address a particular target, the magazine was designed to have a notably male perspective and is written exclusively in English for an international audience.

【免費生活App】BE Magazine-APP點子

【免費生活App】BE Magazine-APP點子

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