B1 File Manager and Archiver|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

B1 File Manager is a file explorer which allows to:

- unzip over 38 archive formats (multi-volume and password-protected);

- compress files into zip and b1 archives;

- manage the files in internal storage, external SD card and USB-drives;

- manage Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box and 4shared cloud storages;

- stream media files from the cloud storages and via SMB with no need to actually download files (NOTE: streaming speed highly depends on your Internet connection speed).

NOTE: Due to changes in Google’s policy, B1 File Manager and B1 Free Archiver have no permission to write to an external SD card. A workaround can be found here: http://blog.b1.org/sandbox-an-easier-work-with-sd-card-in-kitkat/

The creators of B1 Free Archiver bring to you the ultimate tool for handling files on your device - B1 File Manager.

B1 File Manager is a full-featured and free file explorer with support for networks and archives. Move, copy, delete, paste and rename files and folder using the simple and effective interface. Browse, download or upload photos, music, documents and any other type of content to your cloud storages, no matter how many accounts you have.

【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

B1 File Manager supports the most popular cloud storages.

B1 File Manager has full functionality of the popular B1 Free Archiver. With it you can unzip and unrar downloaded archives. You can extract almost 40 different archive types. The app supports password-protected and multi-volume (split) archives with the ability to decompress the most popular archive formats, from zip, rar (RAR5 including) and 7zip (7z) to tar.gz and iso.

Main features:

* File explorer

- Browse the content of the internal storage, external SD card, USB drives, cloud storages and networks

- Move, delete, copy, paste, rename and view details for files and folders

- Multi-selection of files and folders

- Easy-to-use and intuitive UI

- Fast file Search

【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

- Immediate Media Library synchronization keeps your music player and picture viewer content updated

- Create Bookmarks for easy access to your favorite and most frequently visited folders;

- Filter options allow to display files with a certain extension

* Cloud storage manager

- Dropbox support

- Google Drive support

- Microsoft OneDrive (former SkyDrive) support

- Box.com support

- 4shrared support

- Video, music and other files streaming

- Support for unlimited storage accounts

【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

- Create new accounts without leaving the app

- Accounts are saved automatically with no need to re-login

* Networks manager

- Built in FTP client

- Built in SFTP client

- SMB support

* Archive manager

- Decompress zip files (unzip), decompress rar files (unrar)

- Create b1 and zip archives

【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

- Open 7z, apk, a, ar, arj, bz2, bzip2, cab, deb, gz, gzip, jar, iso, lha, lzh, lzma, mtz, rpm, tar, tar.bz2, tbz, tbz2, tar.gz, tgz, tpz, taz, tar.lzma, tar.xz, tar.Z, xap, xar, xz, Z, zipx

- Browse files inside archives without actual extraction

- Open password-protected zip, rar and 7z

- Partial extract - extract only selected files, not the whole archive

- Support for zip with non-Latin symbols

- Open multi-part (split) rar and b1 archives (part0001, z01, 001, part01)

- Use preset multi-volume archive sizes for easy share via email, CD/DVD burn or set any custom size

- Compress files into zip or b1 archives

- Create password-protected zip and b1 archives

- Progress in notification area and work in background mode

B1 Free Archiver is available for Android, Windows PC, Mac and Linux. Visit our official site for additional information: http://b1.org/

【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

If you have any feature request, please, submit it to support@b1.org.

B1 File Manager does not collect, sell, rent, or share any personally identifiable information about the user to the third-parties. System permissions required solely for the purpose of correct functionality of its current and upcoming features.

【免費工具App】B1 File Manager and Archiver-APP點子

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