Axiom: The math puzzle game|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Axiom: The math puzzle game-APP點子

Axiom is a math based educational game, where players control a ship and pick up different numbers and operations to solve more than 80 challenging levels. It was developed using unique fully animated graphics, and it features rhythmic soundtracks and sounds.

By solving different mathematical equations and using your quick intuition, while avoiding a series of deadly traps, you can unveil the puzzle and race towards the finish!

Make Axiom part of your child’s daily routine as it’s designed to educate the young in mathematics in a fun and exciting way. It provides a considerable challenge not only to kids but also to rusty minds or those who just want a challenge. Logic puzzles and unlockables make every minute spent in Axiom fun, useful and rewarding.

【免費解謎App】Axiom: The math puzzle game-APP點子

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Axiom: The math puzzle game APP QRCode

Axiom: The math puzzle game QRCode-APP點子
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