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How can we learn the basic of attractions ? If you want to know that someone is interested in you or not , then you need to look for certain signs .

When someone is laughing at your jokes , it doesn’t mean that he /she is interested in you .

They can sometimes flirt with you .

You can consider it as the part of flirting .

You should have the talent of picking up certain clues or hints that people show , you will be able to identify who is interested in you and who is not interested .

There are some elements of the attraction that help to identify interested person .

There are some elements of interest that you need to look for clues .

These clues include sexual appeal , personality , law of attraction and serious relationship .

Similarity is the lost cause of attraction .

For example , there could be a similarity with you and your crush ’s interests .

If you have acknowledged similar interests , such as graphics , voluntary service , understanding and cycling - there is a good chance that you two have to get along .

Elements of interest Sexual appeal When it comes to being attracted to someone , then sexual appeal proves to be one of the strongest ties .

When you see the posters and sexy image of the celebrity and you fall in love easily .

Sexual appeal is a basic element of interest .

Personality is the next important element of the interest .

If you get certain vibe and feel happy in the presence of any person , you like the way the person acts around you , is a positive sign .

The Law of attraction The third element is the Law of attraction that compels your feelings and you want to be with this person in the first place .

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When the person makes you feel special and happy then you get attracted towards the person .

If you date someone older than you , it will show that you are having a serious relationship and ready for a commitment as you are giving that person a sign of your interest .

Meaningful relationship If you want a meaningful relationship with a specific person then you must ask yourself , why you want to be with this specific person .

Your interest decides the basic need of the relationship , whether you want to be with this person or not .

Understand the person There are some ways to understand the specific person of your interest .

Better understanding about that person make you more clear in making decisions .

To understand him /her by studying together , going on dates , working on the same projects , and walk together and find out what exactly the person is .

Ask some questions to yourself whether this person is worthy of your love , will you see yourself being with this person in the future or can you trust this person ? Follow the unique one The specific person should be a highly regarded person and should have the standards and who values your morals .

If you are the person of values and ethics , then you need not to settle for anyone less than what you are .

Your mental and physical aspects of life help to find someone who is worthy of your love .

Make the best decision If you want to attract a specific person that has been your friend and you know all the virtues and vices of the person .

You need to understand the stability of the relationship .

You can compare some things common in both of you .

Match the qualities You can make better decision by making a list of good and bad points of the person .

If the list overweight in good points , then the person is worthy of your love and your friendship may turn into a good relationship of love .

If you know that specific person for a few years , you can take decisions easily .

If the person makes some sacrifices to make you happy then you can trust the person .

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Meet people If you want to find someone to share your life with , then you should come out and meet people .

If you want to stay happy then a healthy relationship is a must .

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