Arsim Haber Alma Merkezi Kullanıcıları alarm durumunu ve son sinyallerini, abone bilgilerini ve abone hakkındaki tüm detayları bu uygulama aracılığı ile görebilirler.
Partitions Info Pro. File systems and partitions, total, used, and free memory space. You have option to check if you have Root permissions or access....
This is an Electric Batons Simulator app for fun. Now you can free get it to scare some bad person away. Do you want to try bit now? If so, please fol...
This application provides folders in your home with pretty icons.Unlike default android folder, this is very easy and pretty and you can change the fo...
This application organizes a special folder called "Favorite folder" which contains your frequently used applications.The folder automatically compose...