Ardumote HD|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Ardumote HD-APP點子

Control an Arduino using an iPad over WiFi and Ardumote. Ardumote HD is a customizable remote for sending UDP messages over a WiFi network that allows you to control anything from microprocessors (like Arduino) to computers using a simple interface that you can design right on the iPad in minutes - No computer needed. + Interface with an Arduino in less than 2 minutes + Drag & Drop Buttons (add as many as you can fit) + Selectable Button Styles+ Create up to 3 different pages/interfaces+ Single Push, Toggle, and Slider Buttons (for PWM) + Create various sized labels to organize your custom UI+ Buttons Retain Memory + Set Separate Parameters for Each Button + Set Global Parameters+ Control Multiple Devices + Send Multiple Requests + Instantly Switch Between Interfaces to Control Multiple DevicesArdumote HD works through your WiFi network to send custom message packets when buttons are pressed. On the microprocessor or computer, these packets are received and you can run your custom code accordingly, allowing you to control anything from your iPad.

【免費工具App】Ardumote HD-APP點子

【免費工具App】Ardumote HD-APP點子

【免費工具App】Ardumote HD-APP點子

免費玩Ardumote HD APP玩免費

免費玩Ardumote HD App

Ardumote HD APP LOGO

Ardumote HD LOGO-APP點子

Ardumote HD APP QRCode

Ardumote HD QRCode-APP點子
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