


Archetypes is designed to connect you with other people and things that share your archetypes, the new social language that explains everyone and everything. The Archetypes app is composed of three sections:

The Community section features the Community board, which feeds, filters, and displays the exact same content you see on the website’s Community board. Choose between “My Feed” or “All Feeds,” and filter either by as many or few archetypes as you choose. Explore further by tapping on a single content piece or post to view the article’s detail page. Once you’re on the detail page, you can write comments and see who else has ME’ed the post. ME or YOU any piece of content you desire by just tapping the ME or YOU buttons.

The Camera feature allows you to easily take your own photos and post them to the Community and/or ME boards. By tapping on the center Camera icon, you instantly switch the app into Camera mode. You can take a new picture on the spot or pull an existing photo from your phone's photo gallery. Once you've taken or selected a photo, you must assign it an archetype, a category, and a title. You then have the option to assign a location to the post, whether it’s an old or new picture. In the posting process, you have the option to share the photo post via Facebook, Pinterest, and/or Twitter. After posting, the photo will appear on the Community board and on your ME board.

The ME Board section features a limited view of the user's profile page, to reveal key elements about yourself. This section includes: your profile photo, username, three archetypes, number of ME posts, and all of your ME posts in an endless scroll, which you can able to filter by archetype(s).







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