


Free legal research and reference. Aptorney allows you to save and organize statutes, forms, and case law on your iPad or iPhone and to sync custom data with your Dropbox account.


With Aptorney’s built-in legal research and reference features you can build your own database of statutes, forms, and case law, for FREE. Sync your most cherished research with Dropbox and you’ll be able to access and share it anywhere.


The ways in which you can use Aptorney are growing. As we add more downloadable resources all of our content and in-app purchases will remain free, so you can start building your personal law library and database to see if it works for you.


Perform relevant legal reference and research with Aptorney's built in research software. (We constantly tweak our search algorithms to achieve the best search results.) Aptorney will generate specific search terms based on the resources you're referencing.


By tapping the research button Aptorney will set the proper jurisdiction, will enter the generated search terms, and will return case law from that jurisdiction’s Supreme and Appellate Courts. From there you may refine your search in all of the ways already familiar to you.


Add cases of interest to your device with a single “tap”. That case is stored on your device for offline access. Each saved case is added to your “Cases” tab, a personal offline and searchable database of all your cases.


Of course, whether you’re performing research with Aptorney online of offline, you can always save, print, email, export, and sync your research to Dropbox.


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