Anti SMS Spam & Private Box|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子



- 黑名單的關鍵字

- 塊數封鎖列表

- 攔截未知發件人

【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

- 恢復到收件箱

- 密碼保護的私人短信對話

- 進口數量從通話記錄,短信和電話簿線程

- 撰寫 /答复私人短信


【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

------------ english -------------

☆ Hint: This app show as Anti SMS Spam on your phone. You should setup dial number to open the Private Box and hide "Private Box" button so that your mate does not aware of your secret box.

☆ This app may be conflicted with Go SMS and other SMS-based apps.

Anti SMS Spam helps you prevent unwanted message from any sender. Turn it on and stay safe.

Free Features

☆ Blacklist keywords

☆ Block number in blocked list

【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

☆ Block sender as name, i.e message received from your bank HSBC

☆ Block unknown senders

☆ Private Box with Password protected

☆ Restore to Inbox

【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

☆ Import number from call log, sms threads and phone book

☆ Compose/reply private sms

PRO Features

☆ Whitelist for specific numbers

☆ Whitelist for numbers in my contacts

【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

☆ Dial a number to access private box (default is 888)

☆ Disable Private Box icon

☆ Blacklist for number start with, end with, contains (wild card)

Application is very small with ad support. PRO version without ad is available

☆ 24/7 tech support,; to receive support you must remove(uninstall) Chomp, Handcent, and Go SMS

☆ Lost password: uninstall and reinstall the app. We will provide a better method to recover password soon.

Community feedback

【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

☆ by RaGe (June 11, 2011): if you're using Go SMS Pro, this app might not work until you restart your phone

** Compatibility **

Most Samsung devices have a comprehensive log in the contact list, the Droid 2 Global also. The log records sms/mms/call information, but not the message itself, and CANNOT be filtered by this application!

【免費通訊App】Anti SMS Spam & Private Box-APP點子

免費玩Anti SMS Spam & Private Box APP玩免費

免費玩Anti SMS Spam & Private Box App

Anti SMS Spam & Private Box APP LOGO

Anti SMS Spam & Private Box LOGO-APP點子

Anti SMS Spam & Private Box APP QRCode

Anti SMS Spam & Private Box QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play