Anti Mosquito|醫療線上App不用買


【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

Anti Mosquito is one of the ways to fight mosquitoes. Effectively, it complements the traditional methods of a spray or hand flapping, to avoid bites.

【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

Just install and run our Anti Mosquito and mosquitoes be away from you and your smartphone. Start repellent is done by selecting a frequency sound or tap mosquito graphics. Application is running when you see active radar or the application icon on the status bar.

【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

The application generates sounds at very high frequency, which are designed to deter those nasty insects. Of course, we can not guarantee that, among all the mosquitoes will not find one super-mosquito or a stray deaf mosquito, that is resistant to these sounds :)

【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

In the application, you can set different sound frequency (13, 15, 17 or 19 kHz), so you can test and choose a suitable frequency that will be most effective, and that will get rid of your surroundings all persistent intruders!

【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

Due to the fact that not all people can hear sounds at such high frequencies, the information that the application is running is displayed in the status bar as a special icon. By clicking on this icon, you can also quickly access the applications and you can disable the generated high frequencies sounds.

【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

We wish you nice moments spent without mosquitoes :)

【免費醫療App】Anti Mosquito-APP點子

tag: mosquitoes, insect, off,

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免費玩Anti Mosquito App

Anti Mosquito APP LOGO

Anti Mosquito LOGO-APP點子

Anti Mosquito APP QRCode

Anti Mosquito QRCode-APP點子
香港 Hong KongAndroid
Google Play