


Update: better internal data management

You certainly remember the old story about the busy-working ant and the lazy grasshopper?


Our ant – let's call her Ari – will also help you managing your resources :-))

She and her friends have created AntSaver, the user friendly way to control expenses.

Fits even the laziest grasshopper!


What AntSaver has to offer:

- Immediately ready for input, no time wasted on difficult controls

- Use preinstalled templates, create your own, etc. for even faster input


- 14 main categories corresponding to everyday life situations keep recording simple – beautifully crafted icons turn it into fun

- Create your own subcategories for as much detail as you wish

- Choose different currencies as default currencies or register single expenses in different currencies

- Choice of three different sets of input icons: plain, colorful and artistic (thanks our Japanese ants!)


- Analyze your expenses over different time periods

- Compare your expenses across different categories – know what you spend most of your money for

- Let you send your expenses to your email (export as csv; e.g. to process in Excel etc.)

- Set the language (includes all texts and buttons) to English, Spanish, German or Italian.


Ari’s friends are already working on the French version!

Ari and her friends are committed to support and keep AntSaver a fun and user friendly experience


Let’s ant!


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台灣 TaiwanWindows
Windows 市集