Answering Machine App|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】Answering Machine App-APP點子

Answering Machine App.

You guess it,

this is an app which you can use as an answering machine with the most different and useful functions.

【免費通訊App】Answering Machine App-APP點子

The answering machine will work by sending a sms after a missed call, if your up conditions setted are complied.

!! information you must touch the conditions name, to set up the condition

As sample, you can create rules, which would be activated, if a call is at a specific time, date, weekday and so on.

【免費通訊App】Answering Machine App-APP點子

To this you can also set up in the answering machine app, that rules aren't complied until there is a specific number of calls in a specific time period.

And you can set up in the answering machine app, that rules aren't complied after there is a specific number of calls in a specific time period.

And so on.

【免費通訊App】Answering Machine App-APP點子

!! Please note:

If you set up "de-/activation at", the rule is complied frist at the n+1 call.

【免費通訊App】Answering Machine App-APP點子

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香港 Hong KongAndroid
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