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While listening to your favorite iPod music bring the power of Positive Affirmations and the Power of your Alpha brain waves together with Alpha Weight Loss.We have created a custom set of over 30 Affirmations designed for weight control - body image - health - and emotional release, blended with our specially designed Alpha inducing Isochronic Tones. Alpha Weight Loss becomes your supportive inner voice inspiring your postitive behaviour, choices and emotions. Subliminal positive affirmations reinforce the new positive inner-image you have of yourself and your life in general. By replacing the usual negative thinking with new, positive subconscious thoughts giving you access to the endless resources of positive energy you have within yourself. You will be able to create a new, positive reality for yourself. Alpha brain waves improve our ability to focus and concentrate. Alpha brain waves make you use both hemispheres of your brain instead of relying on your dominant side for concentration. Usually, individuals have a hemispheric dominance in their brains: either right or left. The majority of people have a dominant left-hemisphere. When you are able to access the Alpha Wave Brain state, both hemispheres of your brain are able to work together. Alpha Wave Brain state can help you access your deepest creativity and problem solving abilities.

【免費健康App】Alpha- Weight Loss-APP點子

Alpha Wave Brain state allows you to feel the energy in every part of your body. Mental chatter, worries and anxiety fade away as your consciousness resonates with the NOW and your mind is focussed, relaxed & ready for affirmations, visualizations & suggestions. Help encourage your mind into the Alpha State and reach your highest potential. Great for Meditation, Exercise, Studying & Creativity, Peak Performance, Visualization and Manifestation. The power of your mind is in the Alpha Wave Brain state

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