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Want to impress your friends with some mouth watering American cooking? Amaze your partner with a virtuoso romantic dinner? Cook for your student friends who think you are a no-hoper in the kitchen? "American Recipes" can help you do all this. Our easy to follow photo recipes make it a doddle to cook authentic and delicious American food. Each italian recipe is fully illustrated in beautiful photos with text in English. Our application contains over 40,000 recipes with more than 10,000 pictures and you can browse the recipes by categories and search recipes by recipe name, you can even select criteria of ingredients and search for the relevant recipes. You can even favorite the recipe and add it to your "My Favorites" section.The cuisine of the United States is a style of food preparation derived from the United States of America. The cuisine has a history dating back before the colonial period when the Native Americans had a rich and diverse cooking style for an equally diverse amount of ingredients. With European colonization, the style of cookery changed vastly, with numerous ingredients introduced from Europe, as well as cooking styles and modern cookbooks. The style of cookery continued to expand into the 19th and 20th centuries with the influx of immigrants from various nations across the world. This influx has created a rich diversity and a unique regional character throughout the country. American Recipes and Food from America are great in taste and are fun to cook. "American Recipes" is the source for authentic American Recipes, American Food, and Cooking Techniques from America.

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