Alien Combatants|動作線上App不用買


【免費動作App】Alien Combatants-APP點子

Combat soldier (player) has to shoot 10 alien robots. Each robot lands at random location in play area. There are 2 ammunition boxes where soldier may reload weapon. One of the ammo boxes may be boobytrapped and explode.

【免費動作App】Alien Combatants-APP點子

There are fuel barrels at several locations. These explode on impact . Both the Soldier and the alien will be killed if too close to explosion. There are landmines and I.E.Ds (Improviised Explosive Devices) at several locations.

The soldier loses one of ten hearts if hit. To restore health go to medical centre and walk through the door with the red cross symbol. Visit the Medic before it is too late.

The blue ammo bar on right shows the status of rifle ammo.

The compass on left points to location of robot.

Right buttons are for forward and reverse. Black buttons on left and right are to pan the scene.

To Zoom the soldier hit pan right quickly followed by pan left.

To zoom back to normal hit pan left then pan right.

Hit "i" blue button for the help and hit again to resume.

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Alien Combatants APP LOGO

Alien Combatants LOGO-APP點子

Alien Combatants APP QRCode

Alien Combatants QRCode-APP點子
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