Alcohol Addiction Test|健康線上App不用買


【免費健康App】Alcohol Addiction Test-APP點子

It is a comprehensive tool to self assess your addiction to alcohol. This App has the following features; • A comprehensive tool to assess your addiction to alcohol. • In App 10 questions will be asked. • At end it will provide you a score and description about your alcohol drinking habit. • Its easy to use and navigate. • Useful for general public to get information and evaluate themselves for alcohol addiction. Therefore, join us by using this App to improve your health and safety. Keep in your mind, this is only a tool. Consult with your healthcare provider about your health plan. Keep in your mind that prevention is always cheaper than the treatment. Patient Data Science, LLC New York, USA.

【免費健康App】Alcohol Addiction Test-APP點子

【免費健康App】Alcohol Addiction Test-APP點子

【免費健康App】Alcohol Addiction Test-APP點子

【免費健康App】Alcohol Addiction Test-APP點子

【免費健康App】Alcohol Addiction Test-APP點子

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Alcohol Addiction Test APP LOGO

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Alcohol Addiction Test APP QRCode

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