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Find the overall dB rating for acoustic resistance and sound proofing properties your acoustic door and wall will provide.This app is useful for Architects, Specifiers and anyone else in the construction industry looking for overall acoustic ratings that combine walls and doors.DataTests have been carried out under scientific conditions by trained acoustic engineers. Norsound can in no way guarantee replication of exact results due to implementation by unknown parties. Due to the nature of sound the smallest hole in the seal or indeed the object would seriously impair the overall dB rating of the entire entity as a whole.Tests have been carried out by and results verified by SRL Ltd. (Sound Research Laboratories Limited.) For more information on test variables and conditions please contact them directly.Norsound guarantees the quality of all its products to the highest technical specification and all produce undergoes vigorous testing to ensure compliance to the policies set by the British Standard documentation. Specifically BS EN ISO 140-3 :1995; BS EN ISO 717-1:1997. The implementation in ensuring these standards are met, lies outside of Norsounds governance.

【免費工具App】Acoustic Calculator-APP點子

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