ADW Theme Easter Blossom|個人化線上App不用買


【免費個人化App】ADW Theme Easter Blossom-APP點子

ADW Launcher Theme Easter Blossom

Added TAB support.

It is an ADW-THEME which requires the latest ADW-LAUNCHER application be installed.

The ADW-theme includes five wallpapers, alarm clock and icon package.

After installation of the Theme please press button "Open". It will

【免費個人化App】ADW Theme Easter Blossom-APP點子

forward you to the Market to download and install free version of the ADW launcher

provided it is not already installed.

To Use the Theme:

Start ADW-launcher.

【免費個人化App】ADW Theme Easter Blossom-APP點子

Press Menu, choose ADW Settings and then Themes Preferences.

Choose the Theme and apply it.

Long press on any application icon on your desktop. "Custom shortcut" menu will popup.

Press on the icon picture once more, then select ADWTheme icon pack, and choose

【免費個人化App】ADW Theme Easter Blossom-APP點子

any icon you like for your application.

To Change the Wallpaper:

Long press on the desktop, choose "Wallpapers" and then the Themes wallpaper.

【免費個人化App】ADW Theme Easter Blossom-APP點子

Scroll among three wallpapers, select and press "Set wallpaper".

If after the theme installation wallpaper looks slightly blurred

please choose wallpaper chooser to reset it.

To Open the Alarm Clock:

Long press the desktop, choose "Widgets" and then the Themes alarm clock

It is very useful to watch youtube video about the Theme.

【免費個人化App】ADW Theme Easter Blossom-APP點子

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ADW Theme Easter Blossom APP LOGO

ADW Theme Easter Blossom LOGO-APP點子

ADW Theme Easter Blossom APP QRCode

ADW Theme Easter Blossom QRCode-APP點子
Google Play