BC Scanner is the best app for your barcode scanning and shopping needs! This application scan QR Code & other barcodes generally printed on books, mo...
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Clocks for your iPhone. The clocks show the current time using a 24-hour BCD display. Each clock comes with three modes tha...
Bdayo, is a great new application that helps make birthdays awesome through FREE gifts and experiences. * It has never been easier to enjoy your birth...
BDN bústia és una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils que permet als ciutadans enviar directament a l'ajuntament diversos tipus d'incidències que es pu...
A weight and balance calculator for the Beech Bonanza A36. This calculator is for serial numbers E1371-2110 (1979-1983). If your aircraft has tip tank...