Esta aplicación muestra, con la tecnología de Realidad Aumentada, información de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales que puedes estud...
E' un portale per corsi di formazione on line.I corsi sono rivolti ad Intermediari di Assicurazione in ottemperanza a quanto previsto dal Regolamento ...
« Réalité augmentée [n.f] : Technologie innovante, utilisée sur smartphone ou tablette, permettant la superposition d’un modèle virtuel 3D à la percep...
The Most Advanced Learning Technology in a Mobile Device.This provides the information and practice you need to pass the Implementing Secure Converged...
ISD Bio Lessons on Circulation of Body Fluids is based on CBSE Syllabus and NCERT Textbook. These lessons help students to revise in preparation for C...
ISD Coordination 2 is a Biology lesson for class XI students of Central Board of Secondary Education, India. This lesson deals with the functions of t...