DeviceID displays the unique device IDs generated by your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. These can be useful for support purposes and for developers, as...
You need the UDID from a device for Ad Hoc testing? Then you need our tool.DeviceInfo is a free application that makes it simple to retrieve some info...
DeviceList is an application that manages the device of PC, Smartphone, etc.Choose the category of the device, you can save the device name and device...
On OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), synchronization between iOS and OS X no longer works with USB.If you do not want to use iCloud for calendar and contact sync...
DeviceTouch ermöglicht Ihnen die komfortable Bedienung einer Vielzahl von Geräten mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche, die das DeviceTouch-Protokoll unt...
1. Standard configuration and monitoring tool for synertronixx devices and modules. Search, find and configure devices in LAN and WLAN.2. Use app as a...