In Resogun, the player battles phases of enemies on five distinct, cylindrical, voxel-based levels: Acis, Ceres, Decima, Febris, and Mefitis. Each lev...
In Saints Row IV, invading aliens place the player into a computer-simulated version of Steelport early on, and the bulk of the game takes place withi...
Hello Kitty Online (HKO) is the first and only official massively multiplayer online game (MMORPG) set in the world of Hello Kitty and her friends, in...
"Experience a New Full-Length Campaign: Return to the “Tech meets Magic” future of Shadowrun in an all-new 12+ hour campaign. Operating out of an offb...
Prior to the game, adventurers Shovel Knight and Shield Knight fought alongside one another, journeying across the world and seeking treasure. However...
Players are formed into two teams, with three to five players to each team. All players begin at opposite sides of a map at their team's 'fountain'. B...