The ultimate button pushing game! Challenge yourself and your friends with four different modes of button-mashing fun that will test your speed, endur...
Look up into the sky and watch the birds glide.Witness the bravest and most agile of fowls while solving 15 astounding birds at your own pace with one...
Step into warm sand and gaze into the sun.Take a life buoy and dive into the ocean while solving 30 amazing sceneries at your own pace with one puzzle...
Waltz into the most gorgeous of all royal residences. Set sights on each grand palace while solving 15 amazing mansions at your own pace with one puzz...
Walk around the free city of Roman Athens. Watch history unfold while solving 30 mesmerizing ancient landscapes at your own pace with one puzzle piece...
Row into the finest bodies of water with a smile and your most powerful boat! Exert your arm muscles into boating while solving 15 amazing sceneries a...