Want a quick answer to a structural loading problem? Want to determine the deflection, shear and moment of a wooden beam in a variety of loading condi...
m48+ is an emulator for the famous HP38G, HP39G, HP48SX, HP48GX, HP49G and HP49G+ scientific calculators. Carry your favorite calculator along with yo...
***** 현재, 앱에서 심각한 튕김현상이 간헐적으로 발생하고 있으며, 이에 대한 업데이트는 개인적인 사정으로 인하여 짧게는 향후 수 주간, 길게는 수 개월간 업데이트가 지연 될것으로 예정됩니다. 이에 되도록 구매를 지양해주시기 바라며, 이미 구매하신분들께는 꼭, 양질...
כולנו בישראל מכירים היטב את אגודת אדי - העמותה שמצילה חיים. אחת ממטרות העמותה הינה להגדיל את מספר החתומים על "כרטיס אדי" על מנת להקל על אלו הממתינים א...
Featured in WIRED Magazine December 2012 Issue.* Keep your home close at all times * About My Home is a Photos, Inventory & Preferences, and Events or...
Manage, share and have access to all your files at home, at work and of course on the Go with the new GoAruna Files app for iPhone and iTouch. We thin...