Play your videos backward with Reverse Vid!Load it, reverse it, play it.The quickest and easiest way to reverse your videos.Laugh at the audio when yo...
Trim your videos with TrimVid!Make your videos the perfect length for Instagram.Keep the parts you want, remove the ones you don’t.Edit like a pro in ...
Add music to your videos with MusicVid!Give your videos that professional feel with background musicSelect a video from your library or take a new one...
Blur out parts of an image! That is all this app does, and it does it very well. Choose from three brush sizes, add or remove blur. Load and Save from...
InstaSync downloads your Instagram photos to camera roll. ★ Trick friends into thinking you're a great photographer★ Got many devices? Take photos fro...
Just snap 3 photos, add some fun cartoons and captions, and let Nutshell turn it all into a cool, shareable mini-movie that tells your story in second...