The top rated Sudoku Challenge game has unlimited games of increasing difficulties from basic to advanced. The game user interface is designed to feel...
The Sushi Manic is the latest and greatest in match 3 puzzles, why swap jewel , jelly or candy when you can swap entire rows and columns of delicious ...
Life time supply of free Sudoku puzzles. Direct screen entry for a simpler game experience. All the available pencil numbers are displayed.A red box i...
(kids game)Bath time has never been so fun! While falling numbers are counted out loud; number duck must catch them as they fall from the faucet. Tilt...
Upjers Aqua – Lasst die Fische frei!Was für ein Schicksal! Ein Krebs hält kleine putzige Fische in einer Luftblasen-Kette gefangen. Doch jetzt naht Re...