ChattOn To PDF
Use ChatOnToPdf to save a conversation of ChatOn messenger to pdf/epub file.The whole conversation will be written to PDF/ePUB including Text, Photo, ...
Use ChatOnToPdf to save a conversation of ChatOn messenger to pdf/epub file.The whole conversation will be written to PDF/ePUB including Text, Photo, ...
#### Root is required ####Do you wanna backup a important Skype Conversation? Print Skype Chat will do this for you by creating a PDF/ePUB file of con...
Are you worried for your personal data when your friend asks for your phone use or phone is away from you?Feel free after installing and protecting yo...
#### Root is required ####Do you wanna backup a important Facebook Conversation? Print Facebook Chat will do this for you by creating a PDF/ePUB file ...
#### Root is required ####Do you wanna backup or print a important WhatsApp Conversation? Print WhatsApp Chat will do this for you by creating a PDF/e...
Using the application you can backup your calendars to JSON file that can be used later to restore on another phone. This is the only application in m...
Using Sms To PDF application you can save a important conversation to PDF/ePUB file for later use, you can also print the file or keep it as soft copy...
Application will pick songs Randomly from Device and will play them in random rotation.You will not know which song is going to be played.Once you sta...