送给宝宝最好的圣诞礼物:《我爱画画圣诞Pocket》登陆iPhone平台啦!它保持了《我爱画画》系列产品的经典宗旨:让宝宝们跟随语音导引,一步步跟随模板学习画画,轻松学会和掌握绘画基本技巧,并创作出天马行空的属于宝宝自己的绘画作品。 iPhone版本的上线,让宝宝把画笔放入口袋,让创作更加无拘无束,...
送给宝宝最好的圣诞礼物:《我爱画画圣诞Pocket》登陆iPhone平台啦!它保持了《我爱画画》系列产品的经典宗旨:让宝宝们跟随语音导引,一步步跟随模板学习画画,轻松学会和掌握绘画基本技巧,并创作出天马行空的属于宝宝自己的绘画作品。 iPhone版本的上线,让宝宝把画笔放入口袋,让创作更加无拘无束,...
App Store最受欢迎的儿童绘画涂鸦应用《我爱画画》Pocket 正式亮相iPhone平台!根据iPhone/iTouch特性进行优化改进的全新版本。 ***** 全新专业版《我爱画画》Pocket 帮助宝宝快速建立对绘画的兴趣,充分培养创造力!***** ***** 海量内容,近百张绘画素材尽...
Product Description:“Super Math Farm” is an exciting game that lets kids build confidence with simple math, getting a little better every time they pl...
ABCSmart! HD is an educational app designed to teach young children their ABC's! The ABCSmart train is rolling by on the track! Each car carries a let...
ABCSmart is an educational app designed to teach young children their ABC's!Each car of the train carries a letter of the alphabet and a picture of an...