dB Calc
Need to quickly convert between various RF signal measurement units? dB Calc performs lots of decibel related conversions: Decibel / Neper / Ratio Con...
Need to quickly convert between various RF signal measurement units? dB Calc performs lots of decibel related conversions: Decibel / Neper / Ratio Con...
RFLinkCalc is a numerical calculation tool for radio engineers. It models the characteristics of an RF link, including Wireless Internet (WiFi) links....
Transmission Line Calc allows you to perform several calculations related to RF transmission Lines.After selecting from one of 47 different transmissi...
Getting ready to take your ham radio exam? Elmer will help you study for your amateur radio exams, and improve your chances of passing. Elmer covers a...
Getting ready to take your ham radio exam? Elmer will help you study for your amateur radio exams, and improve your chances of passing. Elmer covers a...
Getting ready to take your ham radio exam? Elmer will help you study for your amateur radio exams, and improve your chances of passing. Elmer covers a...
Need to compute the electrical resistance or voltage drop of a wire or cable? Now there’s no need to carry lookup tables with you, and calculate value...