Biblical Names
Looking for biblical names for babies? Want to know the meaning of different biblical names? This App can perfectly help you. Over 170 biblical boy an...
Looking for biblical names for babies? Want to know the meaning of different biblical names? This App can perfectly help you. Over 170 biblical boy an...
家裡常備一些材料,千變萬化的菜色隨手可得。跟著食譜,一頓飯超容易完成,讓自己主宰食材吧! 這個Apps用上5種簡易食材:豆腐,番茄,雞蛋,玉米和洋蔥,這些都是方便存放,容易配搭的材料。食譜裡教大家變化出50種不同的餸菜,讓大家煮得容易,吃得新鮮。還不來試試? This Apps introduces...
Wong Tai Sin Temple is one of the most worshipped temples in Hong Kong. A lot of people believe in Wong Tai Sin because his prediction is very accurat...
Heart Sutra 《心經》 is a well-known Mahāyāna Buddhist sutra that is very popular among Mahayana Buddhists both for its brevity and depth of meaning. This...
網民回應:「呢個 App 最過癮既地方就係當你打小人既時候,背後會有位大姑同你講晒d陰毒野......」 打小人是一種流行於香港的民間儀祀,希望藉此來驅逐、報復所謂的「小人」。打小人最為盛行的日子是「驚蟄」。打小人一般會在陰暗的地方進行如橋底。在香港,鵝頸橋就是打小人的熱門地點。本軟件只作發洩用途,...
這軟件能讓大家喜愛的iPhone/iPod變成隨身攜帶的念佛機,甚至iPhone/iPod在休眠狀態下亦能播放,更能節省電力,配上五首佛號供選擇,希望與各有緣人結緣。 This app contains 5 different buddhist songs. It can play automati...
唐寅,初字伯虎,更字子畏,號六如居士、桃花庵主,江南四大才子之一。中國明代著名的畫家,在畫史上又與沈周、文徵明、仇英合稱「明四家」或「吳門四家」。江蘇蘇州吳縣人。唐寅出生於世商家庭,有一妹一弟,父親唐廣德,經營一家唐記酒店。唐寅作品以山水畫、人物畫聞名於世。 Tang Yin, better kno...
This app provides beginners easy access to Mandarin basics such as number, date, pronoun and greeting. Words are displayed in Traditional Chinese, Sim...
YiJinJing, literally known as Muscle/Tendon Change Classic, is a QiGong manual traditionally attributed to Bodhidharma. The purpose of YiJinJing is to...
19 Poems 《古詩十九首》 is a collection of 19 poems from the Han Dynasty. The authors are unknown. These poems are highly recognized by critics. They have gr...