عداد السعرات الحرارية
يعتبر برنامج "عداد السعرات الحراريه " اداةً فعاله لحساب السعرات الحراريه وكذلك المكونات الغذائيه (كربوهيدرات، دهون، بروتينات) في الاطعمه اليوميه المخت...
يعتبر برنامج "عداد السعرات الحراريه " اداةً فعاله لحساب السعرات الحراريه وكذلك المكونات الغذائيه (كربوهيدرات، دهون، بروتينات) في الاطعمه اليوميه المخت...
Diet and Weight Advisor is one of the best diet planner and weight management app. It is a unique app that enables users to achieve their ideal weight...
The Food Calories Counter is a powerful tool for efficient counting of calories and nutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein) in your daily foods. Fur...
Diet and Weight Advisor Free is the best diet planner and weight management app. It is a unique app that enables users to achieve their ideal weight, ...
The Application "Diet and Weight Advisor" was developed taking into consideration the following features:1. It is self-guided and has user-friendly GU...