Luigi Fonti


Picma is a japanese solitaire game.A grid is shown, with 5 rows and 5 columns.At beginning all the cells are white; but under some of themthere are hi...


This application turns your iPhone in a kind of odometer. 

During your trip, by car or by bike, or by foot, using the internal GPS, it detects your c...


This application allows you to send a message to somebody, indicating your current position. 

Wait until the integrated GPS detects your location wit...


Questa applicazione può aiutarti in una situazione di emergenza, e forse anche salvarti la vita.Supponi di esserti perso, oppure di aver avuto un inci...


This application may help you in an emergency situation, and maybe save your life.Suppose you are lost somewhere, or you had an accident and you are w...


This application allows you to keep track of your trip, storing the most significant locations, while you are moving. Later, you can review all the re...


The aim of this game is to order the buttons in their natural sequence 1..15, leaving the empty space in the last position on the last line.A button c...