Dogs Encyclopedia Digital
Dogs have been man's pet for over 13,000 years. Dogs descended from the wolf family that roamed Europe, Asia, and North America. Scientists know that ...
Dogs have been man's pet for over 13,000 years. Dogs descended from the wolf family that roamed Europe, Asia, and North America. Scientists know that ...
A major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain; a long tubelike structure…..The conn...
Estudio digital enciclopedia version en español de la Espina Dorsal:Una parte importante del sistema nervioso central que conduce los impulsos sensori...
Synopsis:Muscle is a contractile form of tissue which animals use to effect movement. This tissue is composed of fibers capable of contracting to effe...
Synopsis:The human skeleton consists of both fused and individual bones supported and supplemented by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage. It se...
Synpsis:The human heart provides a continuous blood circulation through the cardiac cycle and is one of the most vital organs in the human body. It is...
Grandiosa Enciclopedia de la médula espinal del cuerpo humanouna parte del sistema nervioso (Anatomía):La médula espinal se compone de muchas neuronas...
Grande midollo spinale Enciclopedia del Corpo Umanouna parte del sistema nervoso (anatomia):Il midollo spinale è composto di molti neuroni, gli assoni...
Spinal Cord Grande Encyclopédie du corps humainune partie du système nerveux (anatomie):La moelle épinière est composée de nombreux neurones, les axon...
Great Spinal Cord Encyclopedia of the Human Body a part of the Nervous system (Anatomy): The spinal cord is composed of many neurons, axons, special b...