Androidlet Clock Widget
* widget (long-press to select from widget menu) to display the clock in different sizes and colors* options for 1x1/2x2/3x3/4x4 sizes, plain/marker/d...
* widget (long-press to select from widget menu) to display the clock in different sizes and colors* options for 1x1/2x2/3x3/4x4 sizes, plain/marker/d...
* game of international chess from one Android device to another with Gmail accounts* options for background and board colors, chess sets, chat functi...
* live wallpaper to show a dynamically generated terrain* options for background color, terrain color/roughness, shaded/wireframe mode, animation spee...
* easy contact exchange through a simple tap between NFC-capable devices even when recipients do not have this app installed* options to send customiz...
* live wallpaper to turn your photo into an animated pencil drawing* options for pen icon/color/size, drawing speed/detail, background color/photo* in...
* live wallpaper showing the flocking behavior of a group of creatures* options for background photo, number of creatures, creature type / distance / ...
* game of guessing auto-generated stereograms which are optical depth illusions hiding 3-D objects or text inside the textures* options for textures, ...
* game of estimating the percentage of the two faces making up the hybrid face in question* options for selection of human and animal faces* info at h...
* simple 3-D raw object renderer* supported formats: .OFF and our .ROV* options for user file, frame color, transparent / opaque background, wireframe...
* This app is NOT a game. Instead, this is an info tool for trained table tennis players to check ratings / tourneys / clubs / umpires / coaches as we...