zombie diary 八門

Zombie TV

You're hiding in your basement from a zombie plague when you discover after getting out of the shower they've got in to your basement. Can you escape?...

Zombie Age

The world is under attack of savage zombies and the end of mankind is going to happen sooner when those green creatures are walking everywhere. You ar...


“ZombieBooth 2”是广受好评的僵尸变脸 app 的续作,前作下载量已超过 2,000 万次。 本 app 可将你的面孔变成 3D 动画僵尸脸。去吓吓你的好友甚至你自己! 特性: - 令人惊叹的僵尸特效,堪比好莱坞专业人员制作的特效 - 大量僵尸部件可用,拥有数千种组合方式 - 僵尸动作逼...

Zombie Diary

內容介紹 : A diary, recording a period of history about a miserable and unimaginable world and a legendary person, has been found by generations of human...