

「經銷商須知」是台灣彩券提供給第四屆公益彩券電腦型彩券經銷商有關開店籌備相關資訊的行動服務平台。內容包含: 1.「形象識別標誌色彩應用規範」 2.「戶外招牌示意圖」 3.「招牌比例示意圖」 4.「三坪、五坪、十坪(含)以上的空間示意圖以及平面動線配置圖」 5.「店內/外裝潢、設備、用品」 6.「刮刮...


Ekki vera lummó. Notaðu Lummuna!Lumman er stórglæsilegt farsímaforrit sem gerir fótboltaáhugafólki kleift að fylgjast með fréttunum um leið og þær ger...


Today we live in two worlds - physical and digital world. With help of augmented reality and Overly team, these worlds are blending together and you w...

Cribbage Deluxe

Cribbage Deluxe offers a highly customizable and fun cribbage playing experience. Key features are:• Auto-Save• Adjustable game speed and sound option...