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Speck is a new arcade style game that tests your reflexes and game strategy. Your goal is to maneuver your piece around the flying specks that multipl...
Overview• The “SARIKA Dialer” is a Smartphone application that specifically designed for home and business users to work remotely as well as in-house....
Pri gostovanju v tujini se nemalokrat pripeti, da nas po prihodu domov, pričaka visok račun za telefon. Komunikator vam lahko pomaga drastično zmanjša...
Die langjährige Übernutzung der Meere hat dazu geführt, dass mittlerweile dreißig Prozent der weltweiten Fischbestände überfischt und 57 Prozent voll ...
Le Guetteur – Le guide abeilles, pesticides et OGM, vous permet de repérer parmi plus 150 marques et 300 produits quels sont ceux qui contiennent des ...
Près de 80% des œufs, du lait et de la viande qui sont vendus en Francesont issus d’animaux nourris avec des OGM mais il n’y a aucuneindication sur le...
1 app, all causes! Be able to access all causes, charities and NGOs in the world through one app. Easily find your personal cause that you support, as...
Bayit Switch Wi-Fi enabled socket connects your appliances and electronics to your Wi-Fi network, allowing remote On and Off control of your appliance...
Smart Home Need Smart Socket!Smart Phone Control Appliances Via APP and Wifi Socket: 1. Control all your lights, sockets, curtains, appliances, Audio&...