

Adobe® Connect? users can host, join, collaborate, and share in Adobe® Connect? meetings, webinars, and training - for true collaboration and mobile l...

WiFi HotSpot

Droid HotSpot is an application which facilitates your Internet phone connection sharing either with other devices via a Wi-Fi connection. Starting ho...

WiFi HotSpot

Easy Wi-Fi Tethering is an application that allows you to quickly start and enable your portable Wi-Fi hotspot!! In few click you can configure your W...


职业罗盘是一款针对广大求职者进行自我职业定向的手机端应用产品,帮助求职者认知自我的职业价值观、职业能力和行为风格,精准定位自己的职业方向,避免走弯路。是初入职场或者跳槽者正式投递简历前的必备自我检测工具。 【自我评估】提供职业兴趣、职业潜能、情商、创造力等一系列的测验量表,帮助用户了解自己未曾了解的...