wordpress android app builder


內容介紹 : ★站方推薦★ 超常在美國電影裡看到『拼字遊戲』的!這款風靡美國小朋友們的拼字遊戲也推出手機app囉!對於剛學會英文的小朋友,幫助真的很大,可以藉由遊戲讓他們學會更多英文單字!每個英文字母皆有不同的分數,拼出不同單字,獲得分數也會不同喔!快跟小朋友一起試試看! CONNECT WITH...

Find The Word

From creators of "What's the word" (#1 game on AppStore)! What's the Word by RedSpell is the ORIGINAL "4 pics 1 word" game that amazed everyone and ev...

Find the Word

★★★ How many clues will it take you to solve the riddle? ★★★ - AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, DUTCH SWEDISH, DANISH & NORWEGIAN! - Caution: it’...