With this App you can encode and decode messages.Features: - Binary encoding and decoding- Regular encoding and decoding with code (Number 0-100)- For...
With this App you can encode and decode messages.Features: - Binary encoding and decoding- Regular encoding and decoding with code (Number 0-100)- For...
This application allows you to take plain text and encode it into Base64 as well as to decode Base64 into plain text.It also allows you to encode/deco...
Mass Income Machines is a product which allows you to set up highly profitable little websites that may become profitable off Clickbank products and a...
Canal de TV que cubre a todas las bebidas alcohólicas desde el punto de vista epicúreo, histórico, artístico, científico, didáctico, anecdótico, técni...
As a premier business magazine, PODER is written for a global audience of influential senior business and political decision-makers. Its in depth, cut...
[Features]- Font pack only for MN Keyboard- Customize your keyboard~* More distribution and love for app will make better app further by your recommen...
LookSee Encoder provides a way for applications to convert a series of still images into videos in a variety of popular formats (Quicktime, AVI, Flash...
数字思维是一种化繁为简的学问,拥有良好的数字思维能力,可以帮助我们找到问题的核心。在日常生活和工作中,这种透视现象本质的思维能力非常重要。 本应用通过多样化的看似简单的数字游戏,不仅可以使你获得很多趣味知识,更可以激发你的潜能,锻炼你的数字思维。 相信经过这些数字思维游戏的训练,都会成为一个有数字思...
You don't need an app that makes your decisions for you but we could all do with a tool that allows us to organize our thoughts.With Wondering you can...
★ 数百个完美高清图片,支持Retina显示! ★ 纯正美国英语配音,边玩边学! 有趣的拼图游戏是宝宝们的最爱。我们的拼图游戏独具特色,宝宝们完成一个拼图后,一个可爱的小乌龟就会跳出来告诉宝宝这件物品的英文名称。更有意思的是,每一个拼图都是属于某个场景里的物品,当所有的拼图都完成后,一个个生动的场景...