windows 8操作手冊


Windows 8采用崭新的用户交互、崭新的平台战略,无论成败,它都可以称得上是微软Windows史上最大的变革和冒险。如果你对它还不熟悉,那么下面这部由小编带来的WIndows 8完全手册可以为你指点迷津。 从Metro UI与传统桌面的结合到触摸优化的操作体验,再到移动为中心的功能体验,以及更多...

giffgaff app

This is a simple app that lets you check your giffgaff balance as well as letting you top-up and keep in contact with the giffgaff community via a web...

Help me

This is a simple application that may save your life one day. It is a screen with vital information about your health: blood type, allergies, diseases...


ANDAR es una aplicación multiplataforma (Web, iPhone y iPAD) destinada a ayudar a los pacientes con artritis reumatoide a controlar la evolución de su...