

Beaufort scale with descriptions of wind and sea state, wave heights and conversion from knots to km/h, mph and m/s. Also a calculator to calculate tr...


Now with mYwindow, it is extremely easy to sell anything online.Sell Digital goods like design, software, ebooks, photos, or even a link. List Pre-ord...


Do you want to go sailing, windsurfing, biking or just out of the door? This application shows the current local outdoor wind speed (in beaufort, mph,...


Wordo - brand new free word guessing and puzzle game. The main difference between this word guessing game Wordo and other popular word search games is...

Iron Avenger - Immortal Man of Steel CF Kombat Op

一款快节奏游戏,有无数条命,您能在多玩家比赛中在世界各地战斗,亦可在单人游戏里和满大人及其党羽进行较量! 在无数关口中探索不同地点,包括加州山、威尔明顿船厂和阿富汗沙漠。通过能量物和更新释放Iron Avenger的能力。使用不同的人物角色玩游戏,享受高品质图形和动画世界。 敏锐的反应是您在途中避开...


₯₯₯深夜楼下诡异的房客让人毛骨悚然,他们究竟是人是鬼,到底做了些什么?胆小莫入! ₯₯₯这会是让你惊声尖叫的恐怖故事,千万…不要独自收听! ₯₯₯住宅暗黑系列故事《楼下的房客》,最全章回,直逼心理防线的真实灵异,小心你的房东,也许他也在“看”着你… ₯₯₯钟爱灵异故事的还不火速围观?优质音效,耳边...