why it is important to correctly rate and select a

Rate IT

Rate IT! is a simple and fun application that lets you interact with people around you. You can vote anything and share with full screen numbers and s...

Rate It

Rate It is the perfect app to share your passions with friends! Have you seen a film or have you just red a book which has enchanted you? Rate it, inc...


南投縣政府推出「即時服務系統APP」,與南投縣政府網站相關訊息同步(包含最新消息、縣府新聞、活動報報) 提供民眾透過行動設備瀏覽南投縣政府即時公告的相關重要訊息,並且增加服務專線分機查詢一覽表及即時撥號服務,讓民眾訊息接收與即時性聯絡本府更加方便化、行動化。免費玩南投縣政府即時服務系統 APP玩免費...